Residential Renters Security Requirements
for the
State of Texas
Click the link below to view the section of the Texas Property Code that pertains to security devices.
Disclaimer: This list is only to act as a guide and is not an in depth source on the subject of security devices required or allowed for rental properties. Please, always refer to the Texas Property Code.
List of Security Devices Landlord Must Provide
One doorknob/lever lock or keyed deadbolt on each exterior door. (The door from the house to the garage or covered patio are considered exterior doors.)
One keyless bolting device only visible from interior side of door installed on every exterior door. A keyless deadbolt (also known as a hidden deadbolt or single sided deadbolt) meets this requirement.
a. None of the following are acceptable to be used as a keyless bolting device: chain latch, flip latch, surface-mounted slide bolt, mortise door bolt, surface-mounted barrel bolt, surface-mounted swing bar, spring-loaded night latch or a foot bolt.
b. There are exceptions to the requirement for a keyless bolting device. (i.e. when the tenant is over fifty-five years old or requires assistance. Please refer to the Texas Property Code for exemptions.)
One door viewer installed on each exterior door.
Sliding glass exterior doors require both a pin lock and either a security bar or locking handle latch.
Every exterior window needs to have at least one latch.
The landlord is required to rekey all locks on all exterior doors within seven days of the day a tenant moves in.
Here are two links to some great references that are packed with more detailed information about security requirements for rentals in Texas.